Foreign Languages
At Taxal and Fernilee, we focus on the teaching of French as a Foreign Language. Whilst covering all areas of the National Curriculum, we aim to nurture our pupils’ curiosity about others and to develop in them a genuine interest in learning foreign languages. Our French curriculum offers pupils the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them.
We offer a relevant, broad and vibrant French curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils using a wide variety of topics and themes. Our curriculum is built upon the key language learning skills of speaking and listening, reading and writing and grammar. These skills are developed each year to allow opportunities for reinforcement and progression. Each year, children apply these skills across a range of contexts thereby laying down solid foundations for future language learning.
Teachers make their lessons engaging through the use of videos of French speaking children, singing French songs, telling French stories and a providing multitude of games and activities to allow children to practise their French learning. We believe that learning French in this way will result in an enjoyment of the subject and a desire to study languages beyond key stage 2.
We teach our lessons through the "Language Angels" interactive software. The units of work are divided into core vocabulary, early language, intermediate and progressive. Each unit of work presents a different level of challenge/ stretch and allows the class teachers to choose the most appropriate units for their children.
If you require more information about the French curriculum, you can contact Mrs Dalton
Curriculum Documents