Welcome to page for the Year 2 class. This is updated by Miss Ockenden.
Year 2 have had a wonderful few weeks!
Last week, the children had a FANTASTIC time performing their play. They put so much effort into it. Their acting, singing and dancing was AMAZING! We were so proud of them as, I am sure, you were too. Thank you again for providing such wonderful costumes. Your very generous donations will ensure the children have a super end of term treat.
After the play, the children were on the chrome books and decided to make some of the flags they held up for the play. As you can see England was a popular flag to make but we also have Scottish, Georgian, Indonesian and even an ICE CREAM flag!
This week the children had a wonderful time making clay flowers. We got very messy but had lots of fun making them! We still need to paint them but I am sure you will agree they look amazing so far!
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